Before you head off to either your first time to BurningMan or if you are a vet already, I wanted to share my experience with you because I feel it is worthwhile to express moments, which are pivotal to ones life.

If you leave BM a changed person because you hugged more people in 7 days then your lifetime, exchanged goods and services with friends and strangers with no cash, recognized the importance of a clean planet, or felt the full energy of awesome people elevating you to new heights, you know you have experienced BurningMan.
Party and relaxation, that was my first 2 years at BM. Did you know BurningMan has ALWAYS been family friendly? Please, if you see kids with there parents enjoying BurningMan, remember this story.
When our 3 and 5 year old boys were running around at Midnight enjoying the arts and exhibits, strobes and finger lights in full effect, it shocked some people. About 20% of BM guests, I assume, don’t believe young kids should be allowed. Those people don’t know the history of BurningMan. Our 5 year old, Hunter, that first Tuesday around midnight, crushed it to Crystal Method center stage with 25 people circled around him dancing up a storm together. His first full on dance circle. He must have been possessed with some type of dance god in him, as he brought the energy and meaning of BM to its highest level. Energy was created, that I have never experienced with or without drugs. That moment is a special one in Hunters as well as my life and will be remembered forever. Creating positive energy and being around that energy is special and I hope you all embrace fully what a special place your going to next week. Please remember, everyone, even kids, are part of the community while at BurningMan, lets keep the core BM values in place with the new generation as well.
What is BurningMan to me? I’ll start with a picture. As a father, I do my best to raise my children to respect others and respect our mother Earth. Living in a world that is currently populated with news of prejudice and incidents led by prejudiced individuals, I hope to instill values in my children that will accept all humans, as we are all one people, regardless of ethnicity, religion, social standing or anything else that can separate us. This is Burningman to me, when at a moment in time you get to reflect back and realize it is working. The picture below needs no words and reflects the beauty of BurningMan.
BurningMan is and can be whatever you make of it. Family, Friends and Fun for me…. Enjoy your Burn fellas .. With Peace and Love.. chad
p.s. I want to Thank Carlo and Orly Tabibi for introducing Bianka and I to our first two BurningMan experiences, which were awesome and to my family for joining me on our third trip. It gave me a whole new experience and outlook that will carry with me throughout my short life. Be Safe and Get ready for an amazing experience.. 🙂
With Love, Chad Folkening
eDad- Bambi, BamBam, Builder