15 Productivity Apps for Eco and Social Entrepreneurs (via Ecopreneurist) Running an eco or social enterprise, especially one with very few employees, means having to learn how to make the most of your time, so that every detail gets taken care of with the least amount of effort and in the least amount of time. […]
Archive | Branding
Don’t Be Confused Between Small Business Branding and Identity
What’s the Difference Between Small Business Branding and Identity? (via http://paulschaecker.blogspot.nl) By Jessica Swanson in Business Small business branding and small business identity get confused all of the time. And, even if you’re eyes glaze over with boredom when it comes to marketing vocabulary, this is one area where you might want to know… (more…)
Exo Shelter: For Smarter Portable Disaster Relief Shelter
This Startup is Crowdfunding a Smarter Portable Disaster Relief Shelter (via Ecopreneurist) When large numbers of people are displaced, either from a natural disaster, such as an extreme weather event, or through war and conflict, one of the key components of disaster relief is providing shelter for them, but most of the current options for… […]
App Development Should Not Always Be Big
How To Get In On Small Business App Development (via http://www.bluecloudsolutions.com) App development is big business. That doesn’t mean that it is only meant for big businesses. It’s easy to see how a small business owner would get daunted because of unfamiliar terms and the seemingly foreign concept of how to make an app. Here’… […]
Why We Need Bitcoins To Be More Conventional
Why We Should All Hope Bitcoins Go Mainstream (via InformationWeek) Cryptocurrencies aren’t problem-free, as Mt. Gox’s travails show. But I want the concept to survive, thrive — and eventually break credit card processors’ stranglehold. Mark Karpeles, CEO of Mt. Gox, resigned from the Bitcoin board of directors on… (more…)