Chad Folkening of Bidtellect and Globalventures-Guest Speaker in IT Palooza 2014

itpalooza-1024x634 Chad Folkening of Bidtellect and Globalventures-Guest Speaker in IT Palooza 2014

The third annual IT Palooza is coming to Fort Lauderdale on the  4th of December 2014.  IT Palooza is one of the South’s Florida’s Biggest IT Holiday with over a thousand of  IT professionals that will present on technology topics covering mutliple tracks of new ideas.

Chad Folkening of Bidtellect and Globalventures is one of the guest speaker  in this  all-day developer workshop. Attendees of this event will benefit by expanding their acquired skills and information with a new element of ideas and  improvements.

By joining IT Palooza, companies will have opportunity to meet top candidates and  leading industry experts They can be a perfect match for a certain project or a beginning of something great.


Read More: Chad on IT Palooza

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