Lead quality is the key to success

Lead quality is the key to success

Lead Quality: The Secret to Paid Search Success (via http://paulschaecker.blogspot.nl) By Tina Courtney-Brown in Marketing In the world of SEO, there are two clear options: traditional SEO, which consists of organic search efforts and paid search, which involves paying for keywords. Also known as PPC (pay-per-click), these efforts are… (more…)

The risk of joining a startup company

The risk of joining a startup company

Startups Can Be Quick to Fire New Employees (via Dice News in Tech) If you are considering a job offer from a startup, think twice. Why? Because startup companies may not give a second thought when it comes to firing you. As The Wall Street Journal says, “[Startups] are reinventing the way companies work: Firing […]

Mobile advertising will dominate in 2014

Mobile advertising will dominate in 2014

In 2014, mobile advertising will grow up (via Pando Daily) By Kamran Ansari On December 20, 2013 The adage over the past several years has been that analog dollars become digital dimes, which then become mobile pennies. In 2013, mobile ad spending reached an estimated $8 billion to $10 to billion in the U.S… (more…)

Can a strategy be crowdsourced?

Can a strategy  be crowdsourced?

Can you crowdsource strategy? (via http://www.adigaskell.org) Many aspects of professional life have been crowdsourced over the past decade.  From research and development at places like Innocentive to software development at the likes of Top Coder.  One area that has remained largely absent from this field… (more…)