Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter Traffic Referrals up 54%+ in Past Year by @dannywong1190

Danny Wong

A report released by my company, Shareaholic, a social plugin service used by 200,000 publishers reaching 250 million people monthly, reveals referral traffic trends from 8 of the largest social networks over the past 13 months. The data (pictured below) shows strong year-over-year growth for Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn, decline for StumbleUpon and Reddit, and […]

Matt Cutts Answers If Every Page Needs To Have A Unique Meta Description by @mattsouthern

Matt Southern

Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, answers a question about meta descriptions in his latest video where a user writes in to ask: Is it necessary for each single page within my website to have a unique metatag description? When it comes to metatag descriptions, Matt says there are really only two viable options. You can […]