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Archive | Crypto News

Blockchain is the Answer


The first blockchain was created in 2009 as a new kind of database for the virtual currency bitcoin. Now, innovators are looking to use similar databases to solve some of the most intractable issues facing society. SAN FRANCISCO — Worried about someone hacking the next election? Bothered by the way Facebook and Equifax coughed up […]

We’re Heading to PQCrypto 2018


Introduction The aim of PQCrypto is to serve as a forum for researchers to present results and exchange ideas on the topic of cryptography in an era with large-scale quantum computers. After eight successful PQCrypto conferences ( 2006 in Leuven, 2008 in Cincinnati,  2010 in Darmstadt, 2011 in Taipei, 2013 in Limoges, 2014 in Waterloo, 2016 in Fukuoka, and 2017 in Utrecht, the Netherlands), PQCrypto 2018 will take place April […]

New SUP-X® Radio Podcast: Chad Folkening on Crowdsourcing, Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain

Let's Get (3)

New SUP-X Newsletter: Podcast-Chad Folkening on Crypto + the Blockchain; Partner Events +More New SUP-X® Radio Podcast: Chad Folkening on Crowdsourcing, Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain Chad Folkening is a very interesting guy. The entrepreneur bug hit Chad at age 14 in Indiana and eventually its tug pulled him out of college to pursue various real estate […]