Archive by Author

Contrib Is Going Binance

Binance migration

With Ethereum 2 looming just around the corner, transaction fees and gas costs are still high on Ethereum’s mainnet despite the recent bear markets of blockchain’s stable coins – BTC and Ethereum. While on Binance Smart Chain, the TVL comes close to hitting an all-time high this month, with the total value locked in DeFi […]

CONTRIB Launches a Powerful Fractionalized Stakeholder and Liquidity Platform for URL’s with Onchain Marketplace and These World-class Entrepreneurs Have Invested.

CONTRIB launches a powerful Fractionalized Stakeholder and Liquidity Platform for URL’s with Onchain Marketplace and these world class Entrepreneurs have invested.

Dr. Kevin Hamm, Monte Cahn, Richard Lau, Chad Folkening, Andrew Rosener, Steven Sacks, David Weiland and others are stakeholders in the powerful URL Tokenization, Development and Digital Marketplace Platform, CONTRIB.  January 27th, 2020 Have you ever wanted to buy or sell a small fraction of a premium URL? Swap Names?  Invest in a niche vertical […]

Contrib Platform Pioneers Fractional Url Ownership and Tokenization of Digital Assets on the Blockchain


“What if you could buy digital future shares into a url? Contrib maybe is the Next big thing in the world of digital assets and cryptonomics. Contrib platform allows buying of micro digital share of a premium digital asset with Contrib, a transparent contribution platform for domains on the blockchain. Tokenizing Your Domains Real-world tokenized […]

Leadership Tips: The Four Rules Of Following

Leadership Tips: The Four Rules Of Following

Being a good follower isn’t about being one of hundreds of lemmings that execute instructions with blind loyalty. Today’s followers are more evolved. They judiciously choose who they follow and make followership part of their education. In an increasingly democratized workplace, where social media commands growing influence, followers are more empowered than ever. Everyone wants […]